What is it?
This account gives our finance department access to all receipts and invoices for items purchased on the account. This allows us to significantly reduce the time and energy required to track down receipts and reduce credit card fraud. Our finance team will also keep the credit cards up to date in this account.
How do I get access?
If you have a Pure Heart Microsoft account, you can log in to our Pure Heart Amazon Business account, but you can't buy anything until we add you to a group. Click here to log in - https://www.amazon.com/bb/feature/sso/action/start?domain_hint=8bbc3fb5-a437-4ce3-a262-2806a07fcbae&email=selfservicessotester&ref_=b2b_sso_dl_tst - and then put in a ticket and we will get you added to the right group.
That didn't work for me...
If you get an error, please put in a ticket and we can help you troubleshoot.
That worked!
You are all set to make purchases! There is already a credit card associated with your account so no need to look for one. Just enter the account you are charging in the "PO Number". No need to forward or print the receipt, the finance team will retrieve it from Amazon when needed!